It should be remembered that partnership programs are needed in order to attract as much collected material, research and human resources as possible for joint projects. If you want to apply to the research group, or simply view the projects, refer to the relevant data. Or you can view information about the status of the study on the main pages of the partners. If you want to write a research paper based on our research, you need to coordinate with the research supervisor as well as, in this way you will achieve a better result.
The study will be conducted under the auspices of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (DCPP) at Babeş-Bolyai University (BBU). The DCPP is ranked as the best psychology program in Romania. Collectively, in the recent years, its members have published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals, including high impact factor journals such as Science or Nature. The International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health, which is a spin-off of the DCPP, has recently achieved a major milestone: in 2013 the Institute was included in the Meril database of research institutions of European interest.
The Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at BBU benefits from a state of the art technological and research infrastructure (e.g., Matrix Platform; SkyRa Platform and others that you can read about in Digital Solutions for Emotional Well-being: The Dcombat Initiative), along with an advanced Clinical Research Unit, which has allowed it to coordinate various projects blending psychotherapy, computers, and technology (e.g., Help4Mood – P.I. for BBU: Team Leader Aurora Szentagotai -, iDARE, EduCare).
Amongst other accomplishments, the Department’s members have published, in prestigious journals, studies describing the benefits of incorporating cutting-edge technological add-ons in psychological interventions (Opris et al., 2012; Szentagotai, Opris, & David, 2010).
Because of all these developments and the interdisciplinary backgrounds and interests of its members, the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at Babes-Bolyai University is uniquely positioned for coordinating the proposed project.
CheckWare (, headquartered in Norway, delivers eHealth solutions in an international market that automate the collection, scoring and storage of sensitive clinical data. CheckWare offers complete assessment solutions for clinical use. Health information for clinical use, research and the measurement of treatment effect are collected simultaneously in one software solution.
CheckWare AS was founded in 2007 by managers, clinicians and researchers in the Norwegian health sector, who saw the need for new solutions to improve the quality and reduce the costs of treatment. Clients who are using CheckWare have reported that patients’ experiences have improved with increased involvement in their own treatment.
CheckWare’s solution can be adapted to any course of treatment and research design. As such, the system is designed to collect, process and store sensitive and identifiable patient information following the European normative regulations in place. Most administrative tasks are automated, and follow-up studies can be scheduled during the initial setup.
CheckWare’s tools are ideal for multi-centre research projects which combine survey data entered by patients and next of kin with data submitted by researchers, therapists and specialists. The technology delivers ‘real world patient management’, recognizing that research is taking place simultaneously at multiple clinics (with patients and/or therapists moving between clinics). Role-based permissions make it possible to display only relevant information to authorized individuals.
International customers
CheckWare’s solution has been used in more than 150 projects worldwide, ranging from all hospitals in Norway’s Western regions to international research studies, as well as to mental health trusts in the UK. For instance, amongst CheckWare’s recent clients (as of 2013) are four mental health services belonging to the National Health Services in England.
Award winning eHealth solution:
The 2013 Norwegian eHealth award went to eCoping, an online self-treatment program conducted at the University Hospital in Bergen. The project was powered by the CheckWare online solution.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) is an elite research and educational institution in Trondheim, Norway. The second largest Norwegian university, it has an annual budget of about US $800 million. Two-thirds of the 3,300 yearly graduates of NTNU are Master’s or Ph.D. candidates.
The Department of Psychology at NTNU is engaged in research across a broad range of disciplines, providing a state-of-the-art research environment for faculty and students. The strong interdisciplinary research interests of faculty and students, along with the long tradition of international collaborative projects, makes the Department of Psychology at NTNU excellently positioned to partner with the CO in the current proposal.
In 2013 alone the members of the Department of Psychology at NTNU have published over 150 peer-reviewed papers, books, and book chapters, covering a broad range of topics in psychiatry and psychology, including numerous studies on depression.